The Pinball Opera
Β Bienvenue au Pinball Opera, une saison de flipper ouverte Γ tout joueur et joueuse sur Pinball FX de Zen Studios. La participation est gratuite, nous sommes ici pour le fun et le partage.
La saison est divisΓ©e en 2 opΓ©ras de 3 actes, chaque acte correspond Γ un tournoi d’une semaine sur une table particuliΓ¨re (Pinball FX de Zen Studios) qui vous sera communiquΓ©e en dΓ©but de semaine.
A la fin de la semaine les rΓ©sultats sont relevΓ©s.
Le nombre de points distribuΓ© dΓ©pend du nombre de participants chaque semaine.
Le premier ou la première du classement gagnera le nombre de point correspondant au nombre de participants * 10
Le suivant ( le nombre de participants – 1) * 10 etc…
Exemple: Pour un tournoi de 64 participants,
Rang 1 = 64 * 10 = 640 points
Rang 2 = 63 * 10 = 630 points
Rang 3 = 62 * 10 = 620 points
Un bonus de 11 points est distribuΓ© aux joueurs et joueuses qui auront participΓ© Γ l’acte prΓ©cΓ©dent, 22 points pour 2 actes consΓ©cutifs, 33 points pour 3 actes consΓ©cutifs. 44 points pour l’opΓ©ra suivant sans interruption, etc. Le bonus est remis Γ zΓ©ro si un acte est manquΓ©.
Pour chaque opéra, et pour le fun, un classement général permettra de donner des « titres » aux 3 premiers gagnants
1 – TΓ©nor/Soprano
2 – Baryton/Mezzo Soprano
3 – Basse
Pour cette saison les 2 opΓ©ras donneront 2 classements gΓ©nΓ©raux.
Ces 2 classements finaux seront pris en compte dans le nouveau classement gΓ©nΓ©ral du LUP’s Club.
Β Welcome to the Pinball Opera, a pinball season open to all players on Pinball FX by Zen Studios. Participation is free, and we are here for fun and sharing.
The season is divided into 2 operas with 3 acts each. Each act represents a one-week tournament on a specific table in Pinball FX. The table for each week will be announced at the beginning of the week. At the end of each week, the results will be recorded.
The number of points awarded depends on the number of participants each week. The first-place winner will receive the same number of points as the number of participants * 10, the second-place will receive (the number of participants minus one) * 10, and so on.
For example, in a tournament with 64 participants,
the first place will receive 64 * 10 = 640 points,
the second place 63 * 10 = 630 points,
and the third place 62 * 10 = 620 points.
Additionally, players who participate in consecutive acts will receive bonus points:
11 point for participating in the previous act,
11 points for participating in two consecutive acts,
22 points for participating in three consecutive acts,
33 points for participating the following week and so on.
The bonus points will reset if an act is missed.
At the end of each opera, a general ranking will be created, awarding titles to the top 3 winners:
1 – Tenor/Soprano
2 – Baritone/Mezzo Soprano
3 – Bass
Each opera in this season will have its own general ranking.
These 2 final rankings will be integrated into the new general ranking of LUP’s Club.
Bienvenido a Pinball Operas, una temporada de pinball abierta a todos los jugadores en Pinball FX de Zen Studios. La participaciΓ³n es gratuita, estamos aquΓ para divertirnos y compartir.
La temporada estΓ‘ dividida en 2 Γ³peras de 3 actos, cada acto corresponde a un torneo de una semana en una mesa especΓfica (Pinball FX de Zen Studios) que se comunicarΓ‘ al inicio de la semana.
Al final de la semana se recogen los resultados.
La cantidad de puntos distribuidos depende del nΓΊmero de participantes cada semana.
El primer clasificado recibirΓ‘ la cantidad de puntos correspondiente al nombre de participantes * 10
El siguiente recibirΓ‘ (el nombre de participantes – 1) * 10, etc…
Ejemplo: Para un torneo de 64 participantes,
Puesto 1 = 64 * 10 = 640 puntos
Puesto 2 = 63 * 10 = 630 puntos
Puesto 3 = 62 * 10 = 620 puntos
Se distribuye un bono de 11 puntos a los jugadores que hayan participado en el acto anterior,
11 puntos por 2 actos consecutivos,
22 puntos por 3 actos consecutivos,
33 puntos la semane siguiente, etc.
El bonus se reinicia si se pierde un acto.
Para cada Γ³pera, para divertise, habrΓ‘ una clasificaciΓ³n general que distribuirΓ‘ « tΓtulosΒ Β» a los 3 primeros ganadores:
1 – Tenor/Soprano
2 – BarΓtono/Mezzo Soprano
3 – Bajo
Para esta temporada, las 2 Γ³peras tendrΓ‘n 2 clasificaciones generales.
Estas 2 clasificaciones finales se integrarΓ‘n en la nueva clasificaciΓ³n general del LUP’s Club.

Points and Bonus
Ranking Space Opera
Space Opera/Act 1
A big thanks to the 53 participants! Congratulations to the first 3 winners, candidates to become Tenor/Baritone/Bass
The general ranking at the end of act 3 will be included in the general ranking of LUP‘s Club
Space Opera/Act 2
πͺ β¨ π Pinball Opera πβ¨πͺ
Many thanks to the 44 participants – the table wasn’t easy.
A super Bravo! To the 3 players climbing the podium and especially to HamburglarHunk38 for his super score, which came close to the stars π€©
π₯ HamburglarHunk38
π₯ spoutnut π
π₯ Wims [LUPsClub] π
The table ranking will be integrated into the general LUP ranking π
Results Act 2 Details
π πΆ π―οΈ Final result of the last act of Space Opera π―οΈπΆπ
Many thanks to the 69 participants – The scores rose high, towards the stars
A super Bravo! To the 3 players climbing the podium and especially to HamburglarHunk38 who reserved a place on the front line π€©
π₯ HamburglarHunk38 π π«
π₯ spoutnut π
π₯ LightninMcQuadeπ
The table ranking will be integrated into the general LUP ranking π
Pinball Opera : Zen Opera 

37 Participants pour ce premier acte du Zen Opera Merci beaucoup pour votre participation. En remerciement, votre bonus sera maintenu si vous participez Γ l‘acte suivant Un grand BRAVO Γ nos 3 vainqueurs du tournoi avec un Γ©norme score pour le premier loin devant
Schrodingers God
The table ranking will be integrated into the general LUP ranking or
DΓ©tails Zen Opera Act 1
Pinball Opera : Zen Opera 

45 Participants for the second act of Zen Opera Thank you very much for your participation. A big CONGRATULATIONS to our 3 winners of the tournament Mercyscene
A big congratulations to row 4 and 5 as well EnG TaZz
Kosmic King
Details of Zen Opera Act 2
Pinball Opera : Zen Opera 

37 players for the last act of the last opera of the year 2023. A huge congratulations to the 3 winners who got on the podium and to the 2 players who finished in fourth and fifth place!! TritiumLUPsClub
Crazy Newt
A big congratulations to row 4 and 5 as well
FunkySon LUPs
The table ranking will be integrated into the general LUP ranking
Details of Zen Opera Act 3
Pinball Opera : Zen Opera 

And now the overall result of ZenOpera with the 3 acts and especially our 4 stars!!
82 players in total for Zen Opera and 4 winners to take the stage and set the mood at the end of 2023!!!
Final result of Zen Opera 
And our 4 stars aaaare … 
FunkySon LUPs
Applaud them loudly!
Leaderboard Space Opera
General classification at the end of act 2
General classification of Space Opera in full
π πΆ π―οΈ Final result of the last act of Space Opera π―οΈπΆπ
Many thanks to the 119 participants of Space Opera
And our 3 stars aaaare … π€©
π₯ HamburglarHunk38 π π«
π₯ spoutnut π
π₯ Wims [LUPsClub] π
Applaud them loudly!
Leaderboard Zen Opera
General classification of Zen Opera at the end of act 1
General classification of Zen Opera at the end of act 2
Pinball Opera : Zen Opera 

And now the overall result of ZenOpera with the 3 acts and especially our 4 stars!!
82 players in total for Zen Opera and 4 winners to take the stage and set the mood at the end of 2023!!!
Final result of Zen Opera 
And our 4 stars aaaare … 
FunkySon LUPs
Applaud them loudly!
General classification of Zen Opera in full
A propos
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Mass Effect Andromeda