Champions' ranking

Discover the Pinball Saloon tournaments

Immerse yourself in the competitive and fun world of pinball. Explore the tournament rankings. You too can be included. It’s free and open to everyone.

Welcome to the Pinball Saloon. Saloons were the nerve centres of social and economic life in Wild West towns, playing an essential role in the culture and daily interaction of the era, and we’re going to add a temporal paradox because our saloon will feature arcade areas as well as gaming tables.

Here, as in any self-respecting saloon, there’s a great atmosphere. The saloon is noisy, lively, brawling, but friendly, especially for tournaments, and it’s open to everyone who wants to have a good time in our company, pinball fans or people in discovery mode. Beginners are welcome, the saloon is made for you and don’t hesitate to discover the streamers, tournaments and events. The saloon is open to diversity, while remaining respectful of everyone.

In one corner, a piano plays happily.
The counter, very long, ideal for sliding glasses from one end to the other. The bottles neatly arranged behind, with a large mirror in the background. We ask you to keep the fights and damage to a minimum, please!
The tables, perfect for a game of cards or a bite to eat.
The famous swing doors, ready to eject troublemakers into the street.
A corner with pinball machines and arcade games, because this saloon is resolutely modern.
The staircase leads to the mezzanine, where you’ll find the administration office and a few rooms for those who can’t find their way out at closing time.
If you need to escape, you can always jump from the balcony to the other side of the street.
In short, a classic, lively saloon, where you can exchange information, tips, exploits, tournament results and maybe even bets… even if gambling and alcohol abuse are prohibited!

In the Pinball Saloon you'll find

Pinball players

Quizz RPG ..

Meet people in action

Ask your questions

The 5 main parts of the saloon

Cowboy/Cowgirl Wanted :

This area includes the welcome to the channels, the guide, the rules, etc.

Piliers de bar

This is the place to discuss, ask and answer questions. We can open other lounges if required.
The saloon continues its installation and opens up internationally and becomes bilingual. 💥
As of today there are 2 channels for general chat:
general-tchat-fr and general-tchat-en which are linked.
Please note! 💡 When a member writes in French in the general-tchat-fr room his message will automatically be copied in English in the general-tchat-en room and vice versa.

Corral Games

Channels where tournaments and their results are announced.
Please note: There are 2 types of ranking: classic and challenge. A general ranking groups together all the tournaments.
This distinction allows people who don’t want too many challenges, beginners or those who don’t have the time to do all the tournaments, to have their own ranking.
This category also includes ‘RPG’ lounges for those taking part in the game offered by the server, and upcoming quizzes.


This section groups together the channels of people who are active in the world of pinball, whether they are professionals or not. You’ll find streamers, distributors and anyone else who wants their own space. All you have to do is request it by private message.


Themed rooms so that you don’t lose messages or announcements on sharing topics such as video game news, music, or your screenshots. You can ask to open other rooms if you want to share about a particular game.

Upcoming tournaments

Rejoignez le Pinball Saloon! Join the Pinball Saloon!

Rejoignez-nous une communauté d'amateurs de  flippers et autres jeux vidéos. Rencontrez des pros comme des débutants. Venez poser vos questions, venez en savoir plus quelque soit votre niveau même si partez de rien

Join a community of pinball and other video game enthusiasts. Meet pros and beginners alike. Come and ask questions, come and find out more, whatever your level, even if you're starting from scratch.




A propos


The Pinball Saloon



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